All you should know about the cost to stream the event across the globe
Heavyweight boxing will once again take center stage for Riyadh Season in Saudi Arabia as Anthony Joshua vs. Otto Wallin and Deontay Wilder vs. Joseph Parker will co-headline a massive boxing event on December 23rd.
If the recent 'Battle of the Baddest' that saw Tyson Fury fight Francis Ngannou is an indicator, the upcoming event dubbed 'Day of Reckoning' could shape up to be another entertaining spectacle. The pay-per-view prices appear to have been confirmed and fans will be able to purchase the event through DAZN.
According to boxing journalist Michael Benson, the heavyweight boxing showcase will be much more affordable for fans than 'Battle of the Baddest' was. He wrote that there are different price points depending on the market, but the event will not cost more than $40 to stream the event across the globe.
Benson wrote:
"The Anthony Joshua vs Otto Wallin and Deontay Wilder vs Joseph Parker DAZN PPV price on Dec 23rd will be £19.99 in the UK, $39.99 in the USA and Canada, and $21.99 (converted to local currency) in the rest of the world."To put 'Day of Reckoning's price in perspective, it will cost fans approximately $40 cheaper than 'Battle of the Baddest', which was heavily promoted for the heavyweight boxing clash between 'The Gypsy King' and 'The Predator'.
That wasn't the case for the December 23rd event as it is being promoted as a double main event featuring Anthony Joshua and Deontay Wilder.
There are plenty of possibilities that arise by having 'AJ' and 'The Bronze Bomber' co-headline the event. Depending on the result of their respective bouts, there could be a scenario where they face off either in the ring or during their post-event press conference and set the stage for a lucrative bout between the two heavyweight fan favorites.
Anthony Joshua and Deontay Wilder are clearly the biggest stars competing at 'Day of Reckoning', so it will be interesting to see whether their star power and more affordable pay-per-view price will positively affect the pay-per-view buy-rate.
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