Counting On Star Jinger Duggar May Have Her Own Reasons For Moving To Los Angeles
Counting On stars Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo recently announced that they are moving from Laredo, Texas, to Los Angeles this summer so Vuolo can continue his education at the Master’s Seminary. And, as Duggar documents the family’s moving prep on Instagram, fans are starting to wonder if the 26-year-old has her own career goals when she gets to the West Coast.
Duggar has apparently found inspiration from Marie Kondo and her Netflix series Tidying Up because she has been sharing her own clean-up efforts on her Instagram Stories. The mom of 9-month-old Felicity has purged her home of unnecessary items and organized her closets, and she has also shown off her healthy cooking skills in the kitchen.
The Counting On star has already become a social media influencer, thanks to her one million followers. She loves to show off her purchases from Cousin Amy’s boutique, and she also shares healthy recipes and healthy food purchases.
This led to Radar Online speculating that Duggar was preparing to become a chef when she moves to Los Angeles, or maybe she could be building her own lifestyle brand? The women in the Duggar family are all about getting married and having babies because of their religious beliefs, and they never have jobs outside of the home.
But, Duggar could easily turn her role as a mom and homemaker in a conservative, traditional family into an interesting brand that could merge her trendy, yet conservative fashion with her mommy hacks, homemaking tips, and healthy food choices.
Compared to her sister Jill – who fans love to slam because of her habit of sharing recipes loaded with sodium and carbs, and full of ingredients like canned soup – Jinger is all about healthy eating. And, her fans love everything the rebel Duggar does.
Most members of the Duggar family have faced their fair share of criticism online because of questionable social media posts. Trolls criticize everything from books they read to their children to controversial political views.
But, Jinger can seemingly do no wrong. Fans have supported her decision to ignore the Duggar dress code, they love that she waited a little bit to have her first child, and they are super excited that she is moving even further away from her parents.
Jinger Duggar has a major opportunity to completely break away from her family and do her own thing. And, we wouldn’t be surprised if she actually did it. Maybe, there could be a Vuolo-focused Counting On spinoff? Fans will just have to stay tuned to see what the Vuolo’s do next.
New episodes of Counting On will return to TLC later this summer.