
Kevin Hart Height Revealed: How Tall Is The Famous Comedian?

Kevin Darnell Hart is an actor and comedian who is best known for his movies and comedy specials. He was born in Philly on July 6, 1979. “North Hollywood,” a TV movie, was his first role in a movie. Hart started touring with his comedy act, “I’m a Grown Little Man,” in 2009.

Hart’s height has been talked about throughout his career, so much so that he’s made money off of it. What is Kevin Hart’s height?

Kevin Hart Embraces His Height

kevin hart height

Kevin Hart has never been embarrassed by the fact that he is short. As a child, he teased himself about his height before bullies could. As a stand-up comic, he’s made a lot of jokes about it that are funny because they’re about him.

But in an interview with Oprah in 2014, Hart didn’t seem nearly as upset about it as his jokes would lead you to believe. Hart said, “I don’t do things to my body to make it look like something I think people might like.”

“Now it’s over. This was what I got. Here are my cards to play with. If we were playing poker, I’d have to make this hand work. For me, this is the end. And I’m going to see this through. So how do you not embrace it? You get one life. One. You get one life. I’m going to take mine in my arms.”

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Misinformation About Kevin Hart’s Real Height

To find out how tall Kevin Hart really is, you have to do a little detective work. Different sources give different answers, ranging from 5 feet 2 inches to 5 feet 5 inches. It can be hard to tell which one is right.

Hart has made things even worse. He sometimes sends misleading (but very funny) tweets to people who follow him on social media. Take this one from 2018, where he says he keeps track of his height the same way parents do with their children:

Breaking news people….I think I grew a little bit. I just had to add a line on my height wall…This is HUGE! I am a full 5 foot 5 now. From now on when I play Basketball I’m going to need to be fed in the post damn it….I’m drop stepping all day!

— Kevin Hart (@KevinHart4real) June 14, 2018

A year later, he jokingly said he was still growing:

Yo I grew a little bit…I just measured myself on my height tracker on the wall in my house and it says that I grew a quarter of an inch….oh yeah. Life is great!!!!! Haters will say that I’m photoshopping my pics now that I’m taller

— Kevin Hart (@KevinHart4real) March 6, 2019

Just How Tall is Kevin Hart?

Kevin Hart is 5′ 2′′ tall, which is five inches shorter than his wife, Eniko Parrish, who is 5′ 7′′ tall. During an interview with Vanity Fair in 2019, the comedian agreed to take a lie detector test. The reporter’s first question about him was how tall he was. But Hart, who is always making jokes, at first denied the fact.

When asked if he was 5 feet 2 inches tall, he said, “Absolutely not!” As the timer on the polygraph started to go up, he went backward. After a long pause, he said, “Five feet four.” He then said, “Five feet three.” “Five and a half feet.”

Hart gave up when he could no longer deny what was true. “Five foot two,” he said with a tone of resignation.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s get back to laughing. Hart, who calls himself the “Energizer Bunny,” is sure to have a lot more to say.


Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-06-25