
Ricky Gervais: people should be sterilized on basis of stupid, fat faces


I am in love with Ricky Gervais. I think he’s funny, I think he’s sexy, I think he’s lovely. He’s promoting his new HBO series, The Ricky Gervais Show – which will begin this month. He’s got other stuff going on, but in this new interview with Ricky, there’s some weird stuff. Even though I’m 90% sure he’s saying a bunch of crap just be provocative and funny, there’s still 10% of me that like “Hey, dude, not cool.” Ricky is discussing parenthood, and who society should allow to breed. Now, Ricky is not a father. He and his longtime girlfriend/partner have no children, and that might be contributing to some of this (full article here):

Gervais on his Paul McCartney at the Golden Globes: “Yeah, I was worried about that joke. I didn’t want McCartney to think I was taking the piss and I was worried when the crowd gasped. But he came backstage and I said, ‘Do you hate me?’ And he said, ‘Oh, I loved it, man,’ and gave me a hug. So it turned out okay.”

On the Mel Gibson joke: “But he pretended to be drunk after I said it and anyway, I’d warned his agent… Not only do I not care what the critics say. I don’t even care if they’re right because I’m enjoying myself. I don’t want to do anodyne stuff about the difference between men and women and cats and dogs and why doesn’t it rain when you take an umbrella out.”

On moving back to New York: He’s also probably going to move to America, too. New York, he says, is “a magical place” that — unlike middle America — totally “gets” him. New Yorkers were all over him after the Globes, “like a war hero. Free champagne and puddings. Artists are more revered there”, he sniffs. “People aren’t offended by the word ‘penis’, or beer.” A few months ago he wouldn’t have contemplated a move, “but now, yeah. New York beckons. We’ve got a place there already. I love it more and more and we miss it when we’re here”.

On marriage to his partner of 25 years, Jane Fallon: “Don’t see the point,” he says curtly. “We are married for all intents and purposes, everything’s shared and actually our fake marriage has lasted longer than a real one … but there’s no point in us having an actual ceremony before the eyes of God because there is no God.”

On his “very religious” childhood: Gervais realised he was an atheist at the age of eight. Previously he had been “very religious”, he says. “Went to Sunday school. For a working-class mum, Jesus is an unpaid babysitter.” One day, however, his brother Bob asked him: “Why do you believe in God? And my mother said, ‘Bob!’ and I just knew. I knew she had something to hide and he was going to tell me.” All religions are “rubbish”, he says. “They’re all arguing, my god’s bigger than your god. And they can’t all be right, can they?”

On children: “Just didn’t fancy it. Too much hassle. Not something either of us wanted to do. We just … didn’t fancy dedicating 16 years of our lives. And there are too many children, of course”.

On the population problem: “Yes, but it’s where it’s condensed. It’s not too many people, it’s too many people with nothing, too many unwanted children, too many people who are poor and struggling, as opposed to too many people. If they all had a good quality of life, no one would complain. What there is, is too many useless people. Too many people who shouldn’t have children.”

On sterilization: “Yes, based on … stupid, fat faces,” he snarls. “If there’s a woman in leggings, eating chips with a fag in her mouth, sterilise her.” You think we should sterilise chavs? He laughs: “You said ‘chavs’; I didn’t. I described an irresponsible parent. Chavs could be included in irresponsible, though.”

On Twitter: “I don’t want to engage with a million people and besides there’s something rather undignified about celebrities talking to each other in public”.

On his autonomy: “And beholden to no one. You have to be a complete fascist in art… Yeah, if you don’t want to do it my way. But I don’t apologise for that.”

[From Times Online]

Okay, you have to read the whole piece to understand something: whoever interviewed Ricky was a f-cking snob. The whole piece was littered with derogatory, nasty little asides about Gervais, and I think Ricky comes across as such an a-hole probably because he was being an a-hole to a guy (or girl) who was an a-hole. That’s the way I like to think of it. Because otherwise, I really hope Gervais isn’t this much of a jerk.

Ricky Gervais in London on February 1, 2010, and on January 29, 2010. Credit: WENN.


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-06-08