What is the nature of Dominik Mysterio's eye injury? Reflecting on when and how it happened
Dominik Mysterio showed up with a black eye at NXT No Mercy 2023. The NXT North American Champion didn't look one hundred percent as he put his title on the line against Trick Williams at the ongoing premium live event.
Vic Joseph noted during the match that Dominik Mysterio's eye injury happened during his showdown against Dragon Lee on the September 25, 2023, episode of RAW. Dominik might've bruised his eye after he received a vicious running kick to the face by Lee during a turnbuckle spot.
It is worth mentioning that Dominik had put the blame for his eye injury on Dragon Lee during a backstage segment on NXT last week. The exchange ended with Lee taking out The Judgment Day member with a right hand.
Despite his eye not being at one hundred percent, Dominik showed up at the Mechanics Bank Arena in Bakersfield, California, for NXT No Mercy 2023. The title bout featured "Dirty" Dom's bitter rival, Dragon Lee, as the special guest referee.
For those unaware, Trick Williams earned the title opportunity against Dominik this past Tuesday on NXT. The 29-year-old star survived Tyler Bate, Axiom, and Lee himself in a highly competitive fatal four-way match for the number one contender's spot.
Was Trick Williams able to beat Dominik Mysterio at NXT No Mercy 2023?
Dominik Mysterio quickly jumped into action as soon as Dragon Lee called for the opening bell at NXT No Mercy. The RAW Superstar took out Williams with a running kick before landing a series of rights and lefts on him.
Williams soon regained momentum and slowed down Dominik with his offense. The champion and the challenger put on a solid performance against a jam-packed crowd at NXT No Mercy 2023. At one point during the match, Dominik accidentally superkicked Dragon Lee.
The match had the crowd invested throughout its duration. After a bit of distraction, Williams planted Dominik with a running knee to capture his first singles title in WWE, that being the NXT North American Championship.
Fans can check out the live results here.
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