What is the official Alter Egos mode in EA Sports UFC 5? Unlock the origins of top UFC stars in new
EA Sports UFC 5 has finally been released after years of speculation and a great deal of anticipation since it was first announced a few months ago. It has introduced several features that its predecessor lacked, and among those new features is the UFC 5 Alter Ego mode.
As its name implies, the Alter Ego mode will allow players to play as specific and well-known versions or alter egos of certain UFC fighters based on their distinct backgrounds, which were apparent in the early stages of their UFC careers. This has come with the release of a trailer announcing Alter Ego Season 1.
The trailer revealed Israel Adesanya, Alex Pereira, Jon Jones, Sean O'Malley, Alexander Volkanovski, Valentina Shevchenko, Conor McGregor, and Leon Edwards, all of whom make up the first season of the Alter Ego mode. For example, Alex Pereira's alter ego will be the version of him from Glory kickboxing.
While Alexander Volkanovski's alter ego will be him from his rugby days when he weighed over 200 pounds. Sean O'Malley's alter ego is the Dana White's Contender Series version of him, when his hair was undyed and unbraided, and he had little to no facial hair.
It marks an interesting effort from the video game's developers to make EA Sports UFC 5 as engaging as possible, given that UFC 4 received criticism from content creators for the game's apparent lack of engaging game mods and upkeep. As this is only the first season of the Alter Ego mode, there is much to anticipate.
Is Joe Rogan a commentator on EA Sports UFC 5?
While UFC color commentator Joe Rogan is widely recognized as the unofficial voice of the promotion, he hasn't been a part of the broadcast booth in the EA Sports series of UFC games since the third installment in the series: EA Sports UFC 3. Thus, he is not a part of UFC 5.
Instead, the pairing of Jon Anik and Daniel Cormier has been the go-to choice for the last two games. According to Rogan, he opted against being part of the last two games, as he detests doing commentary for video games, and said (at 27:20 minutes) as much on episode #777 of The Joe Rogan Experience:
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