Who is David Wright's wife, Molly Beers? A glimpse into the married life of New York Mets icon
One of the most beloved figures in the history of the New York Mets, David Wright spent his entire 14-year MLB career with the club. During that time the, the seven-time All-Star set 16 career records for the Mets, establishing himself as one of the greatest to ever play for the club.
Unfortunately, for Wright, he was unable to end his MLB career on his own terms, as injuries ravaged his body in the later years of his playing days. Various injuries to his hamstring, neck, and back derailed his incredible run with Major League Baseball.
While he may no longer be assuming the role of the starting third baseman for the Mets, there is one role he continues to thrive in, being a husband. David Wright and his wife Molly Beers were a bona fide power couple during his time in the majors.
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70% Win
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Since then, Molly and David have remained together, raising three children along the way. The couple has two daughters, Olivia Shea and Madison, as well as a son named Brooks, which seems like an homage to Baltimore Orioles Hall of Famer Brooks Robinson.
His daughter Olivia Shea's middle name is tied to Shea Stadium, the home of the New York Mets, and the place where Wright joined the likes of Keith Hernandez and Darryl Strawberry as club legends.
A Look at the Life and Career of David Wright's Wife, Molly Beers
Born in California, Molly Beers has enjoyed a successful career of her own as a professional model for the Ford Agency. She has commercial work, as well as working with major retail giant JC Penney.
"#throwbackthursday to #mollybeers amazing smile. Shot #onlocation for #southmoonunder. #fashion #fashionphotography #style #instagood #instadaily #instafashion #models #photoshoot #nikon #fashionmodel #fashionshoot #fashionphotographer #swim #sun #vscocam #vsco #pictureoftheday #tbt #instamood" - @jamiekoslow_photographyAn avid traveler and animal lover, Beers was named as one of the hottest WAGs (wives and girlfriends) in baseball by iHeartRadio. While these lists are always subjective, there is no denying the beauty of Molly Beers.
"David Wright has Molly Beers to go home to at night an he still cares about us. That's love bro" - @NFLOwnerGBPQuick Links
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